Amazon Echo Spot was launched in India on Wednesday. It becomes the latest device to join Amazon’s lineup of Alexa-enabled Echo devices. The smart alarm clock boasts features such as colourful displays, customised clock faces, and newly added alarm sounds. Echo Spot has a front-firing directional speaker which enables users to play their preferred music from Amazon Music, Apple Music, and Spotify. Users can take advantage of Alexa which can register requests with voice commands.
Amazon Echo Spot Price in India
Amazon Echo Spot is priced in India at Rs. 6,499. The company says this is an introductory pricing which will be valid for a limited time but did not reveal its pricing after the period ends. Meanwhile, its listed price on Amazon is Rs. 8,999.
It can be purchased starting today on the Amazon India website in two colourways — black and blue.
Amazon Echo Spot Specifications
Amazon says the Echo Spot has a 2.83-inch touch-screen display which shows information such as time, alarm, weather information and current playing music. With the night mode, it can be used bedside to check the time at night. Users can customise the smart alarm clock with six different themes — blue, lime, magenta, orange, teal, and violet. Alternatively, these can be mixed and matched to create different clock variations.
With Amazon Echo Spot, users can set custom alarms with their favourite songs via voice commands. The company gives an example where users can say, “Alexa, set a weekday alarm for 7 am with devotional songs.” There are four new alarm sounds, Aurora, Daybreak, Endeavour, and Flutter, to choose from, which can be turned off by asking Alexa or physically tapping the smart alarm clock. Amazon’s voice assistant also allows users to get weather updates and displays illustrations on the screen.
The device features a 1.73-inch front-firing speaker which is claimed to deliver clear vocals and deep bass. As per Amazon, users can play music, podcasts, and audiobooks from popular music streaming platforms like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, and JioSaavn, although respective subscriptions are required. And if they want to skip songs, asking Alexa or tapping the display can do the job.
Amazon says Echo Spot is also compatible with smart home products which can be connected to automate daily tasks. Leveraging Ultrasound Motion Detection, users can set up smart home routines to turn on compatible lights or play music upon entering a room.
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