Job Archives



The Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy (BERA) is responsible for UNDP’s external relations and advocacy functions. The Bureau leads and supports the organization in cultivating, building, and nurturing strategic relationships and alliances that are essential for advancing and successfully achieving the mission of UNDP. These relationships encompass a wide range and a number of key constituencies and development partners, including programme countries, existing and prospective donor countries/emerging economic powers, multilateral institutions such as the IFIs, the European Commission, civil society, the private sector, foundations, academia and think tanks, the wider UN system, various UN inter-governmental bodies, as well as global, regional and national media. The main functions of BERA are (1) Resource mobilization, coordination, and partnership management (2) UN & Multilateral coherence; and (3) External Communication to raise UNDP’s profile and improve communication.  BERA’s top priorities over the next 12 months are fundraising and positioning of UNDP in light of the recently agreed Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and UN reform imperatives.

BERA consists of the Directorate, Strategic Analysis Unit, and three Groups: Partnerships (PG) Communications (CG), and UN System Affairs (UNSAG).  In addition, BERA has Representation Offices in five major donor capitals and regional advisors posted in each of the five UNDP regional hubs.

The Public Partnerships Group (PG) facilitates UNDP’s partnerships and actively supports resource mobilization for UNDP’s work globally from governmental and non-governmental actors alike. Within PG, the Financial Institutions Team (FIT) was established in mid-2015 to work across UNDP to support corporate, regional and country-specific collaboration with International Financial Institutions (IFIs), multilateral development banks, regional, sub-regional and national development banks.

Within the Public Partnerships Group, The International Financial Institutions Partnerships team leads the formulation of UNDP’s coherent & strategic priorities with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) and develop partner-specific strategies, working closely with regional/central bureaus and GPN to build, manage, and position strategic partnerships with IFIs and DFIs. The team provides internal advisory services and coordinates on partnerships with IFIs/DFIs inside UNDP, working closely with regional bureaus and GPN to address operational bottlenecks to enable smooth and responsive modality options for working with IFIs at country level. The team also provides internal knowledge and capacity building (research, analysis, trainings), works closely with other parts of the house to implement IFI external engagement opportunities ; and builds internal and external networks and partnerships to support quality UNDP thought leadership vis a vis IFIs/DFIs. As part of UNDP's Sustainable Finance Hub, the team also works to diversify IFI partners while deepening collaboration with existing IFIs around sustainable & green financing. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance and direction of the IFI Partnership Analyst, the Intern will undertake tasks from the list below. Learning and mentoring as well as facilitating exposure to a range of experiences for the intern will be an explicitly targeted goal during the internship.

Strengthen strategic external communications planning:

  • Develop an Excel-based communications content planning schedule drawing on available data of projects from various internal sources (eg: Power BI, Salesforce)
  • Track ongoing UNDP projects supported by IFIs globally and identify/alert on opportunities to communicate externally about them through human interest stories, media advisories or announcements, social media etc. in collaboration with Communications Team

Support with the organization of virtual/in-person events

Generate data, research analysis and mappings:

  • Analyze financial data in Microsoft Power and create Excel databases, graphs, charts, etc. to ensure up-to-date data
  • Undertake analyses and mappings of IFIs strategies, strategic initiatives, funding announcements, annual or other key meetings and policy documents/reports and summarize for UNDP’s consumption
  • Maintain up-to-date bullet points of summarized financial progress and results, meeting briefs, and other routine updates
  • Monitor publicly available websites, news, and social media on a daily basis and enter relevant IFI partner intelligence in Salesforce

Strengthen internal knowledge management:

  • Research and update IFI Profiles and IFI Partnerships Snapshots based on existing template in Canva
  • Support the update and maintenance of internal knowledge products and training materials in UNDP’s internal Sharepoint, including IFI Partnerships  Toolkit
  • Support with the design of pitch/presentation decks for use in various fora
  • Support the organization of missions, meetings, events, webinars, etc
  • Prepare meeting minutes/notes to file; and undertake follow-up actions as needed including timely management of internal filing system, files for intranet pages and Salesforce
  • Participate in assigned internal meetings, take notes, and prepare after-meeting summary notes and actions.



  • Data expertise: Required proficiency in creating data sets from Microsoft Excel data, Power BI. Knowledge of Salesforce useful.
  • Innovation: Has interest in developing materials and working off existing templates using tools including Canva, Microsoft Sharepoint and Powerpoint for editing internal knowledge content, pitch decks, and other resources.
  • Interest in development-related areas, multi-stakeholder engagement, international or multilateral organizations.
  • Problem solving: Has good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data for practical implementation.
  • Teamwork: Communicates effectively when working in a team, and can work independently with a proactive attitude and a goal-oriented mindset
  • Planning and Organization: Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities.
  • Collaboration: Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Has interest and motivation in working in an international organization.
  • Commitment to continue learning: Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude. Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view.
  • Delivery: Is a self-starter and initiative-taking person with a goal-oriented mind-set; good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities, effective when working in teams and independently.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Currently enrolled in a Master’s / postgraduate university in international relations, political science or related field.
  • Enrollment in graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent or higher).
  • Enrollment in the final academic year of a university degree program (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent). A university degree within one year of graduation.

Relevant national/international experience in development, international relations, financing, management, communications, business consulting, knowledge management or related field.


  • Internal and external project monitoring databases developed and/or maintained on Excel
  • Communications content planning calendar developed and maintained,
  • Consistently monitoring of UNDP-IFI stories, development of social media messages and graphics
  • Consistent tracking of UNDP projects tracked and disseminated for Salesforce and for external communications opportunities (eg: social media)
  • Timely summaries of meetings, after-action points developed and shared to ensure greater internal coordination and coherence
  • Standard Presentations developed; talking points gathered or developed;
  • Support to the development of briefs for high-level visits, meetings and other outreach activities;
  • Intranet/web presence updated and enhanced, specifically the update of UNDP’s IFI Toolkit site on Sharepoint

General administration and logistical support provided including meetings, events, workshops, webinars, etc.

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Background The Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy (BERA) is responsible for UNDP’s external relations and advocacy functions. The Bureau leads and supports the organization in cultivating, bu...




El área de Comunicación de la oficina Argentina de PNUD se encarga de llevar adelante la comunicación institucional externa de la organización conforme su Plan Estratégico. Entre sus mandatos tiene la de administrar los canales de comunicación oficiales de la oficina nacional, tales como su página web y redes sociales. Además, procura velar de que los diferentes productos comunicacionales que se generen presenten un mensaje coherente alineado con las prioridades de la representación. De forma de presentar a las diferentes audiencias una comunicación homogénea y unificada.

Objetivo de la Pasantía

La pasantía contribuirá, mediante diferentes tareas, a que el Area de Comunicación PNUD en Argentina pueda actualizar su página web, elaborar piezas de diseño, publicar en las redes sociales oficiales, organizar el archivo físico y digital del área de comunicación y realizar la cobertura audiovisual en eventos, entre otras tareas.

Duties and Responsibilities

Alcance de los Servicios/ Tareas a realizar

Entre sus tareas, el/la pasante será responsable de:

  1. Página web de PNUD Argentina

        a. Completar y/o reemplazar las etiquetas de diferentes blogs, noticias y publicaciones que se encuentran publicados en la página web

        b. Insertar y/o reemplazar imágenes de diferentes contenidos de la web

        c. Completar y/o actualizar y/o crear nuevo contenido para página web. Entre ellas el resumen semanal.

      2.Generación de contenidos para redes sociales

        a.Apoyar y/o generar diferentes piezas graficas que sirvan para complementar y/o acompañar contenido que sea publicado en la página   web y/o redes oficiales de PNUD Argentina, de acuerdo con el manual de marca global.

         b. Asistir en la publicación de contenidos para las redes oficiales de PNUD Argentina, en conformidad con la grilla de planificación.

         c. Identificar comentarios y responderlos en línea con los protocolos de respuesta establecidos por el área de comunicación.

        d. Relevar métricas de las cuentas que administra PNUD Argentina y trasladarlas al reporte mensual para su análisis por parte de la Representación.

       3. Organización de archivo

        a. Sistematizar y organizar el archivo, digital y físico, del área de comunicación de PNUD. De forma de preservar su acervo institucional y  utilizar sus recursos en diferentes oportunidades.

        4. Cobertura de eventos

         a. A requerimiento del Analista de Comunicaciones o de la Asociada en Comunicación Digital, Realizar cobertura audiovisual de eventos, actividades, semanarios, para su posterior difusión.

Para la realización de estas tareas el/la pasante contara con la supervisión y/o orientación del Analista de Comunicación o de la Asistente en Comunicación Digital.



La persona deberá poseer excelentes habilidades interpersonales y capacidad para trabajar en equipo en un entorno multicultural y de manera eficaz con socios internos y externos al PNUD, además de facilidad para adaptarse en ambientes de trabajo con contrapartes de alto nivel y con personal de proyectos fuera de la oficina.

Está pasantía está sujeta a la política del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD). La pasantía se extenderá por un período de 6 meses, distribuidos con una carga horaria de tiempo completo a ser determinada en caso de que el/la candidata/a sea seleccionado/a. El/La pasante acumulará licencia a razón de 1 ½ días por mes (o tiempo equivalente) de trabajo. Se perderán los días de licencia acumulados que no se hayan utilizado al final de la pasantía. Las ausencias injustificadas durante el período de prácticas que superen un total de nueve días serán descontadas del estipendio mensual. Cabe destacar que el trabajo será realizado de manera presencial, pero se requiere que el/la pasante cuente con propio equipamiento informático para desarrollar las tareas que le sean encomendadas. Además, requiere que el/la pasante cuente con seguro médico, que deberá ser debidamente presentado.

Al final del período de seis meses, el/la pasante deberá entregar un informe aprobado por el supervisor al PNUD y recibirá el certificado de pasantía.



Required Skills and Experience


La/el Pasante deberá cumplir con UNO de los siguientes requisitos para ser considerada/o:

  1. Estar matriculado/a en un programa de posgrado (como un programa de maestría o superior) o en un programa de prácticas profesionales de posgrado de las carreras de comunicación, periodismo, diseño gráfico, diseño de imagen, entre otras carreras afines, con un promedio al momento de la aplicación igual o superior a 8;
  2. Estar matriculado/a en el último año académico de un programa de primer título universitario (como una licenciatura o equivalente) de comunicación, periodismo, diseño gráfico, diseño de imagen, entre otras carreras afines, con un promedio al momento de la aplicación igual o superior a 8;
  3. Haberse graduado recientemente con un título universitario de las carreras de comunicación, periodismo, diseño gráfico, diseño de imagen, entre otras carreras afines (como se define en (a) y (b) arriba y con un promedio final igual o superior a 8) y, si es seleccionado/a, debe comenzar la pasantía dentro de un año de la graduación;

El desempeño académico del pasante y su promedio es condición excluyente para su selección. También será excluyente poseer un mínimo de 6 meses de antecedentes y/o experiencias (laborales, voluntarias, etc.) relacionadas con temáticas de comunicación, comunicación social, periodismo. Estas experiencias no necesariamente deberán ser un trabajo formal, pero tendrán que ser demostradas mediante una carta del supervisor/a directa si así se lo requiere.

Además, es deseable poseer un excelente manejo de los programas más comunes de diseño, grafico, edición de fotografía, edición de video, y una alta capacidad de aprendizaje e iniciativa ser proactivo/a, resolutivo/a, con gran sensibilidad humana y ética, además de habilidad para trabajar ante requerimientos urgentes y en equipo.

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Background Antecedentes El área de Comunicación de la oficina Argentina de PNUD se encarga de llevar adelante la comunicación institucional externa de la organización conforme su Plan Estratégic...

Application Deadline: 18 December 2024

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Application Deadline: 18 December 2024 Source link

Posted 2 weeks ago
Application Deadline: 31 December 2024

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Application Deadline: 31 December 2024 Source link




As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our work is concentrated in three focus areas; sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.


The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), established in 2011, represents UNDP in the Republic of Korea (ROK), works with the ROK on international development priorities, and shares development experience and technical expertise of the ROK with other countries. It is one of UNDP’s global policy centres. USPC works as a facilitator of innovative development cooperation for the achievement of the SDGs in four thematic areas of i) development cooperation modalities and approaches, ii) governance and gender, iii) green recovery and transition, and iv) private sector engagement and development.

Building on the unique development experience of the ROK and UNDP’s wide Global Policy Network, USPC facilitates knowledge exchanges of SDG-enabling development solutions in the above-mentioned thematic areas through its signature ‘SDG Partnership’ country-support programme and other initiatives, and brokers partnerships between the ROK and other countries to help tackle development challenges.

The Centre’s private sector engagement and development work is an integral component of USPC’s programmatic work. Working with Korean businesses of all sizes, including impact start-ups, micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), conglomerates and the investment community, as well as the related ecosystem, it aims to leverage the private sector’s innovative approaches and resources for the achievement of SDGs. Examples of our efforts to support developing countries include strengthening the capacity of MSMEs through inclusive digital transformation, with the ROK’s policies and practices as reference, and providing acceleration support to SDG-aligned start-ups in the ROK and other countries.

USPC offers a small group of outstanding final year undergraduate, and graduate students, the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP’s work and gain technical knowledge and experience in international development and multilateral cooperation.

For more information on USPC’s work, please visit the website:


Duties and Responsibilities


The intern will assist in the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and responsibilities

% of time


Under the guidance of professional staff, the intern will support the Centre’s private sector engagement and development work, including the following:

  • Supporting to build and strengthen partnerships and facilitate knowledge exchanges among the ROK, UNDP, and developing countries with the private sector actors, including Korean corporations, MSMEs, youth/women-led start-ups and investors, for achievement of the SDGs; 
  • Conducting research on issues related to private sector engagement and development (e.g., SDG-aligned business strategies and solutions of the Korean businesses and youth-led startups, policies to support the growth of MSMEs and young entrepreneurs, digital transformation, green transition, SDG financing trends, UNDP country-level projects);
  • Assisting in the design and implementation of USPC’s SDG Partnership country-support programme on ‘Supporting micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises through inclusive digital transformation’;
  • Assisting in the design and implementation of the Korean chapter of Youth Co:Lab initiative to empower and invest in youth, including its annual impact start-up acceleration programme;
  • Supporting the organization of UNDP meetings and events (e.g., partnership consultations, knowledge sharing webinars and conferences on issues related to private sector engagement and development including the ROK launch of the Human Development Report, joint campaigns with universities).



Under the guidance of professional staff, the intern will support the Centre’s work related to communication, advocacy and outreach, with a focus on private sector outreach. Specific tasks may include:

  • Supporting production of USPC’s web and social media content (e.g., on X/Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) through storytelling and visual assets;
  • Supporting production of digital/multimedia materials, including an impact-centred content and regular e-newsletters;
  • Supporting production of various advocacy materials such as pitch decks to promote and position UNDP as a partner of choice to potential partners;
  • Drafting, copyediting and translating (from English to Korean and vice versa) various web and social media content, knowledge products, advocacy and reporting materials.



Cross-cutting tasks / Other:

  • Taking records of events, meetings, activities, and visits to USPC office (e.g., meeting notes, photos);
  • Supporting onsite promotion in outreach activities (e.g., career fairs, booth events, etc.);
  • Supporting incoming missions from UNDP HQs, Country Offices and partners to the ROK as part of SDG Partnerships and other USPC initiatives;
  • Maintaining relevant files and databases (e.g., photos, videos, contacts of private sector partners);
  • Performing liaison support and administrative tasks as necessary in the day-to-day office operation;
  • Supporting other/ad hoc activities as seen relevant and needed.




  • Interest and motivation in working in an international organization;
  • Good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation;
  • Outgoing and initiative-taking person with a goal oriented mind-set;
  • Communicates effectively when working in teams and independently;
  • Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view;
  • Strong interest and training in drafting and editing documents;
  • Demonstrated interest in the field of development;
  • Demonstrated research and analytical capacity;
  • Administrative skills in the organizing of meetings and events;
  • Proven ability to manage diverse and complex tasks, with tight deadlines;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.


Required Skills and Experience


Candidates must meet one of the following educational requirements:

  • Currently in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • Currently enrolled in a Master’s degree; or
  • Have graduated no longer than 1 year ago from a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent studies.

Field of study: international development, international relations, sociology, political science, public administration, economics, commerce, business administration, marketing, or equivalent.

IT skills:

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office productivity tools;
  • Familiarity with social media and creative design tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Photoshop) is an asset.

Language skills:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required;
  • Fluency in Korean is highly desirable, and other UN languages is considered an asset.


  • UNDP will not pay interns for the internship but will provide a monthly stipend in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP internship policy (as reference, the stipend for 2024 is set at KRW 1,169,728 per month; the stipend amount for 2025 is subject to change); all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern or the sponsoring government or institution;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed;
  • Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship;
  • Interns must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan;
  • Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
  • Interns are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for education programmes;
  • Interns need to obtain financing for subsistence and make own arrangements for internship, travel, VISA, accommodation, etc.;
  • Interns will accrue leaves at a rate of 1.5 days per month and will be granted off-days on official UN holidays for the Republic of Korea. If exceptional leave arrangements are necessary, requests must be submitted to and be approved by the supervisors in advance to ensure adequate office arrangements. 


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Background CORPORATE BACKGROUND As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countrie...




As the United Nations’ lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated in three focus areas: sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.



The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), established in 2011, represents UNDP in the Republic of Korea (ROK), works with the ROK on international development priorities, and shares the development experience and technical expertise of the ROK with other countries. It is one of UNDP’s global policy centres. USPC works as a facilitator of innovative development cooperation for the achievement of the SDGs in four thematic areas of i) development cooperation modalities and approaches, ii) governance and gender, iii) green recovery and transition, and iv) private sector engagement and development.

Building on the unique development experience of the Republic of Korea and UNDP’s wide Global Policy Network, USPC facilitates knowledge exchanges of SDG-enabling development solutions in the above-mentioned thematic areas through its signature ‘SDG Partnership’ country-support programme and other initiatives, and brokers partnerships between Korea and other countries to help tackle development challenges.

USPC offers a small group of outstanding final year undergraduate, and graduate students, the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP’s work and gain technical knowledge and experience in international development and multilateral cooperation.

USPC work on environmental issues started in 2017. Since then, it has evolved to encompass different processes, workstreams and partnerships. USPC has worked on projects related to waste management, wastewater management and sustainable energy. Currently, the Green Recovery and Transition team is focused on the sustainable forestry programme (including both community-based forestry and forest fire prevention) with partnerships in Albania, Cambodia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Namibia, and Zambia. The green transition and recovery portfolio is also expanding to new thematic areas such as circular economy (solid waste management, plastics, wastewater), carbon markets and energy.

You are invited to join a small, but vibrant team. Whereas the focus of your assignment will be on the tasks outlined in this Terms of Reference, you need to expect considerable amount of multi-tasking and supporting other members of the team.

For more information on USPC’s work, please visit the website:

Duties and Responsibilities


The intern will assist in the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and responsibilities

% of time


Assist and Support to Green Recovery and Transition Activities

  • Conducting research and producing publications on various issues of international development cooperation such as Sustainable Development Goals, Korea’s development experiences (e.g., on sustainable forestry, environment & green economy issues  including circular economy, energy, climate, carbon pricing (Article 6 and ETS), Korea’s Green New Deal);
  • Providing support in organization meetings and events including international conferences, workshops, webinars, study visits, — including drafting of the concept notes, coordination with co-organizers in Korea and abroad, support on the logistical & travel arrangements and substantive preparations along with note and photo-taking and technical support including at webinars; 
  • Designing & implementing pilot projects and partnership activities to share with developing countries Korea’s specific experience;
  • Documenting, translating and packaging Korea’s development experience and lessons learnt with an international perspective as a basis of knowledge exchange and triangular cooperation;
  • Translating publications, papers, web content and other materials from English to Korean and vice-versa;
  • Supporting administrative and communications tasks as necessary in the day-to-day office operation;
  • Liaising with partners – in the UNDP HQ, Regional hubs, UNDP Country Offices as well as various governments, non-governmental organizations and academia on various aspects of programme implementation;
  • Providing holistic support in every aspect of the office and staff members in any other important tasks such as the high-level visits from UNDP headquarters and partner countries;
  • Supporting communications and advocacy infrastructure (website, social media channels, media presence, public outreach) to ensure effective advocacy on the main areas of work of the USPC as relate to Green Recovery and Transition work.





  • Supporting other/ad hoc activities as seen relevant and needed.






  • Takes initiative and works independently with minimum supervision;
  • Upholds highest standards of integrity, discretion, and loyalty;
  • Shows excellent organizational, interpersonal, communication, and administrative skills.
  • Able to multitask, balance multiple responsibilities, and meet deadlines;
  • Shows commitment to UNDP’s vision, mission, and strategic goals;
  • Able to work in a multicultural environment and be aware of political sensitivities.

Communication Skills:

  • Speaks and write clearly and effectively;
  • Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others, and responds appropriately;
  • Asks questions to receive further clarity on requests and exhibits interest in having two-way communication;
  • Tailors language, tone, style, and format to match the audience.


  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational and unit goals;
  • Solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise and willingness to learn from others.

Required Skills and Experience


Applicants to this Internship programme must, at the time of application, meet one of the following requirements:

  • currently in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • currently enrolled in a Master’s degree or PhD degree; or
  • have graduated no longer than 1 year ago from a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent studies.

Field of study: environmental policy/env. science/env. engineering, natural resource economics, economics, climate science, energy, international studies or related area.


  • Prior experience on environmental and climate projects and /or policy research is desirable.
  • Familiarity with basic aspects of project management is desirable;
  • Familiarity with issues related to green transition, development and digitalization is desirable.
  • Experience writing analytical pieces on relevant issues is desirable;
  • Prior experience in Korean-English translations would be an asset;
  • Proficiency or prior experience in using Zoom and other digital tools would be preferable.

IT skills:

  • Knowledge of/proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office productivity tools;
  • Proficient in hosting Zoom and other web-based meetings and seminars.


  • Fluency in oral and written English is required;
  • Fluency in oral and written Korean is a major asset;
  • Knowledge of another UN language is also an asset.


To apply please include in your application one pdf file that includes:

  • Your resume in a format of your choosing;
  • Cover letter (max. 1 page) including information about:
  • Your interest to apply for an internship with UNDP / UNDP Seoul Policy Centre;
  • Your general interest in issues related to Green Recovery and Transition.


  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed. The internship opportunities are exclusively available to individuals who possess the legal right to reside and work in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Any applicant would need to have legal permission to carry out an internship in ROK and, for non-Korean applicants, would need to fulfill the visa requirements as set by ROK.


  • UNDP will not pay interns for the internship but will provide a monthly stipend in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP internship policy (as a reference, the stipend for 2024 is set at KRW 1,169,728 per month; the stipend amount for 2025 is subject to change); all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern or the sponsoring government or institution;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed (the internship opportunities are exclusively available to individuals who possess the legal right to reside and work in Korea);
  • Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship;
  • Interns must provide proof of enrolment in a health insurance plan;
  • Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
  • Interns are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for education programmes;
  • Interns need to obtain financing for subsistence and make their own arrangements for internship, travel, visa, accommodation, etc.
  • Interns will accrue leaves at a rate of 1.5 days per month and will be granted off-days on official UN holidays for the Republic of Korea. If exceptional leave arrangements are necessary, requests must be submitted to and approved by the supervisors in advance to ensure adequate office arrangements. 


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Background CORPORATE BACKGROUND As the United Nations’ lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help count...




As the United Nations’ lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated in three focus areas: sustainable development, democratic governance and peacebuilding, and climate and disaster resilience.



The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), established in 2011, represents UNDP in the Republic of Korea (ROK), works with the ROK on international development priorities, and shares the development experience and technical expertise of the ROK with other countries. It is one of UNDP’s global policy centres. USPC works as a facilitator of innovative development cooperation for the achievement of the SDGs in four thematic areas of i) development cooperation modalities and approaches, ii) governance and gender, iii) green recovery and transition, and iv) private sector engagement and development.

Building on the unique development experience of the Republic of Korea and UNDP’s wide Global Policy Network, USPC facilitates knowledge exchanges of SDG-enabling development solutions in the above-mentioned thematic areas through its signature ‘SDG Partnership’ country-support programme and other initiatives, and brokers partnerships between Korea and other countries to help tackle development challenges.

The Centre’s governance and gender work is an integral component of USPC’s programmatic work and aims to i) enhance the visibility and recognition of USPC, UNDP and its work by raising awareness and promoting dialogue and cooperation on the SDG 16 both within and outside of Korea and ii) build and strengthen partnerships, with a focus on i) anti-corruption and ii) sexual and gender-based violence in Korea and elsewhere.

USPC offers a small group of outstanding final-year undergraduate, graduate students, and recent graduates the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP’s work and gain technical knowledge and experience in international development and multilateral cooperation.

For more information on USPC’s work, please visit the website:

Duties and Responsibilities


The intern will assist in the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and responsibilities

% of time


Assist and support Governance and Gender Programme activities

  • Conducting preliminary research and drafting various documents (i.e. reports & PPTs) on the key topics of the Centre’s governance and gender work in the areas of transparency and accountability, digital governance as well as sexual and gender-based violence;
  • Documenting, translating and packaging Korea’s policy tools and lessons learned with an international perspective as a basis of knowledge exchange and triangular cooperation with partner countries;
  • Proposing and designing creative communications materials on the team’s governance policy tools, programme results and lessons learned (for partners and the general public);
  • Designing, writing, editing, and/or proofreading the team’s working documents, knowledge & communication products, and correspondences;
  • Supporting the production of various documents (i.e. reports, web materials, briefs & PPTs) on the key topics of the Center’s governance work in the areas of transparency and accountability as well as sexual and gender-based violence;
  • Providing support in organising partnership meetings and programme events such as webinars, workshops, study visits, conferences, and policy dialogues—including on the logistical & travel arrangements and substantive preparations along with a note- and photo-taking and technical support;
  • Translating and editing publications, papers, web content and other materials from English to Korean and vice-versa;
  • Providing holistic support in every aspect of the office and staff members in any other important tasks such as the high-level visits from UNDP headquarters and partner countries;
  • Copy-editing the team’s working documents ensuring the flow, clarify and grammatical accuracy; and
  • Supporting administrative and communications tasks as necessary in the day-to-day office operation.





  • Supporting other/ad hoc activities as seen relevant and needed.





  • Demonstrates a keen interest and motivation in working with international organizations, particularly in the area of governance;
  • Excellent analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation;
  • Open-minded towards creative ideas, feedback and differing points of view, and can adapt with agility;
  • Detail-oriented with excellent administrative skills in the organizing of meetings and events;
  • Ability to handle complex situations and multiple responsibilities simultaneously, mixing long-term projects with the urgency of immediate demands;
  • Takes an initiative and has a goal-oriented mindset;
  • Able to work independently and collaboratively to achieve actionable results;
  • Appreciates and respects differences (culture, gender, religion, race, nationality and age) and confronts discrimination;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy, positivity, and constructive attitude, while showing consideration for the needs and feelings of others;
  • Demonstrates honesty and transparency in all work-related activities.


Required Skills and Experience


Candidates must meet one of the following educational requirements:

  • currently in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • currently enrolled in a Master’s degree; or
  • have graduated no longer than 1 year ago from a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent studies.

Field of study: Social science area e.g. international development, international relations, political science, human rights, gender studies, public administration, journalism, communications or equivalent.

IT skills:

  • Knowledge of/proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office productivity tools;
  • Proficient in hosting Zoom and other web-based meetings and seminars;
  • Skills in Visual Communication and Graphic Design (including Canva) would be an advantage.

Language skills:

  • Highly proficient in both spoken and written English required;
  • Proven experience in editing/copyediting/proofreading documents preferably on development policy, governance or similar would be an asset;
  • Knowledge of Korean and other UN languages (particularly French or Spanish) is an advantage.


  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed. The internship opportunities are exclusively available to individuals who possess the legal right to reside and work in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Any applicant would need to have legal permission to carry out an internship in ROK and, for non-Korean applicants, would need to fulfil the visa requirements as set by ROK.


  • UNDP will not pay interns for the internship but will provide a monthly stipend in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP internship policy (as a reference, the stipend for 2024 is set at KRW 1,169,728 per month; the stipend amount for 2025 is subject to change); all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern or the sponsoring government or institution;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed;
  • Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship;
  • Interns must provide proof of enrolment in a health insurance plan;
  • Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
  • Interns are expected to work full-time, but flexibility is allowed for education programmes;
  • Interns need to obtain financing for subsistence and make their own arrangements for internship, travel, visa, accommodation, etc.
  • Interns will accrue leaves at a rate of 1.5 days per month and will be granted off-days on official UN holidays for the Republic of Korea. If exceptional leave arrangements are necessary, requests must be submitted to and approved by the supervisors in advance to ensure adequate office arrangements. 

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Background CORPORATE BACKGROUND As the United Nations’ lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help count...




As the United Nations’ lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated in three focus areas: sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.



The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), established in 2011, represents UNDP in the Republic of Korea (ROK), works with the ROK on international development priorities, and shares the development experience and technical expertise of the ROK with other countries. It is one of UNDP’s global policy centres. USPC works as a facilitator of innovative development cooperation for the achievement of the SDGs in four thematic areas of i) development cooperation modalities and approaches, ii) governance and gender, iii) green recovery and transition, and iv) private sector engagement and development.

Building on the unique development experience of the Republic of Korea and UNDP’s wide Global Policy Network, USPC facilitates knowledge exchanges of SDG-enabling development solutions in the above-mentioned thematic areas through its signature ‘SDG Partnership’ country-support programme and other initiatives, and brokers partnerships between Korea and other countries to help tackle development challenges.

The Centre’s development cooperation work is an integral component of USPC’s programmatic work, and aims to i) identify, implement and disseminate practices and lessons learned as to how development cooperation could be undertaken better and ii) build and strengthen relations with Korean and other international development cooperation actors to establish innovative partnerships that address shared challenges such as achieving digital transformation and green transition.

USPC offers a small group of outstanding final-year undergraduate, graduate students, and recent graduates the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP’s work and gain technical knowledge and experience in international development and multilateral cooperation.

For more information on USPC’s work, please visit the website:

Duties and Responsibilities


The intern will assist in the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and responsibilities

% of time


Assist and support to Development Cooperation programme activities:

  • Support the conceptualization and facilitation of projects in collaboration with the wider UNDP network and Korean partners. This may include tasks such as supporting the drafting of idea and concept notes on topics related to digital transformation and green transition;
  • Support research, the organization of meetings and other events, and the drafting of policy briefs on subjects related to the broader issue of development cooperation (e.g., modalities of knowledge exchange, aid effectiveness, South-South and Triangular Cooperation, Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus) and sectoral issues such as climate change and digitalisation;
  • Support partnership building efforts between UNDP and the Republic of Korea through the preparation of corporate missions and proposals on issues of strategic interests (e.g., Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, GCF Programming), while supporting the analysis of relevant policy documents and producing summary documents of relevant events;
  • Support the conceptualization and development of digital tools for effective development cooperation;
  • Support administrative, monitoring, and communications tasks such as updating USPC’s office calendar, annual work plan, and results framework as necessary in day-to-day office operations.





  • Supporting other/ad hoc activities as seen relevant and needed.







  • Takes initiative and works independently with minimum supervision;
  • Upholds highest standards of integrity, discretion, and loyalty;
  • Shows excellent organizational, interpersonal, communication, and administrative skills;
  • Able to multitask, balance multiple responsibilities, and meet deadlines;
  • Shows commitment to UNDP’s vision, mission, and strategic goals;
  • Able to work in a multicultural environment and be aware of political sensitivities.

Communication Skills:

  • Speaks and write clearly and effectively;
  • Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others, and responds appropriately;
  • Asks questions to receive further clarity on requests and exhibits interest in having two-way communication;
  • Tailors language, tone, style, and format to match the audience.


  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational and unit goals;
  • Solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise and willingness to learn from others.

Required Skills and Experience


Applicants to this Internship programme must, at the time of application, meet one of the following requirements:

  • currently in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • currently enrolled in a Master’s degree or PhD degree; or
  • have graduated no longer than 1 year ago from a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent studies.

Field of study: Development studies, international relations, economics, politics, environmental studies, or other relevant fields of study.


  • Familiarity with basic aspects of project management is desirable;
  • Familiarity with issues related to broader development cooperation issues and/or the sectoral areas of green transition and digitalization is desirable;
  • Experience writing analytical pieces on relevant issues is highly desirable;
  • Proficiency or prior experience in using Zoom and other digital tools would be preferable;
  • Prior experience with the multilateral system or with a bilateral donor agency is desirable;
  • Familiarity with Large-Language Models such as GPT-4 is desirable.

IT skills:

  • Knowledge of/proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office productivity tools;
  • Proficient in hosting Zoom and other web-based meetings and seminars;
  • Familiar with data visualisation tools (e.g., Power BI, Tableau, R, etc.);
  • Skills in visual communication and graphic design (including Canva) would be an advantage.


  • Fluency in oral and written English is required;
  • Fluency in oral and written Korean is required;
  • Knowledge of another UN language is also an asset.


To apply please include in your application one pdf file that includes:

  • Your resume in a format of your choosing
  • Cover letter (max. 1 page) including information about:
  • Your interest to apply for an internship with UNDP / UNDP Seoul Policy Centre;
  • Your general interest in issues related to digitalization, and/or aid effectiveness, South-South, and Triangular Cooperation.


  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed. The internship opportunities are exclusively available to individuals who possess the legal right to reside and work in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Any applicant would need to have legal permission to carry out an internship in ROK and, for non-Korean applicants, would need to fulfill the visa requirements as set by ROK.


  • UNDP will not pay interns for the internship but will provide a monthly stipend in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP internship policy (as a reference, the stipend for 2024 is set at KRW 1,169,728 per month; the stipend amount for 2025 is subject to change); all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern or the sponsoring government or institution;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed (the internship opportunities are exclusively available to individuals who possess the legal right to reside and work in Korea);
  • Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship;
  • Interns must provide proof of enrolment in a health insurance plan;
  • Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
  • Interns are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for education programmes;
  • Interns need to obtain financing for subsistence and make their own arrangements for internship, travel, visa, accommodation, etc.
  • Interns will accrue leaves at a rate of 1.5 days per month and will be granted off-days on official UN holidays for the Republic of Korea. If exceptional leave arrangements are necessary, requests must be submitted to and approved by the supervisors in advance to ensure adequate office arrangements. 


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Background CORPORATE BACKGROUND As the United Nations’ lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help count...




As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our work is concentrated in three focus areas; sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.



The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), established in 2011, represents UNDP in the Republic of Korea (ROK), works with the ROK on international development priorities, and shares development experience and technical expertise of the ROK with other countries. It is one of UNDP’s global policy centres. USPC works as a facilitator of innovative development cooperation for the achievement of the SDGs in four thematic areas of i) development cooperation modalities and approaches, ii) governance and gender, iii) green recovery and transition, and iv) private sector engagement and development.

Building on the unique development experience of the ROK and UNDP’s wide Global Policy Network, USPC facilitates knowledge exchanges of SDG-enabling development solutions in the above-mentioned thematic areas through its signature ‘SDG Partnership’ country-support programme and other initiatives, and brokers partnerships between the ROK and other countries to help tackle development challenges.

The Centre’s communications and advocacy work is an integral component of USPC’s programmatic work, and aims to enhance the visibility and recognition for USPC, UNDP and its SDG partnerships by raising awareness and promoting dialogue and cooperation on the SDGs both within and outside of the ROK among different development actors. 

USPC offers a small group of outstanding final year undergraduate, and graduate students, the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP’s work and gain technical knowledge and experience in international development and multilateral cooperation.

For more information on USPC’s work, please visit the website:

Duties and Responsibilities


The intern will assist in the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and responsibilities

% of time


Under the guidance of professional staff, the intern will support the Centre’s communications and advocacy work, including the following:

  • Supporting implementation of the Centre’s Communications Strategy and Action Plan to expand USPC’s reach, impact and influence with coordinated messaging to multiple audiences across various platforms. Target audiences include Korean and international counterparts, including UNDP HQs and Country Offices, the development community in Korea, and the general public including youth;
  • Supporting production of USPC’s web and social media content (e.g., on Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter) through storytelling and visual assets;
  • Supporting production of digital/multimedia materials, including video content by drafting interview scripts and storyboards, and regular e-newsletters;
  • Supporting production of various advocacy materials such as pitch decks and promotional items to promote and position UNDP as a partner of choice to potential partners;
  • Drafting, copyediting and translating (from English to Korean and vice versa) various web and social media content, knowledge products, advocacy and reporting materials;
  • Conducting technical reviews of USPC’s website and social media channels to optimize visibility (e.g., spot-checking of website, updating web content tags and YouTube playlists);
  • Supporting the Centre’s knowledge management around communications work as needed (e.g., updating the Centre’s knowledge product database, internal content calendar, etc.).



Under the guidance of professional staff, the intern will support the Centre’s outreach around public-facing events and external relations/partnership work, including the following:

  • Supporting the organization of UNDP meetings and events (e.g. ROK launch of the Human Development Report, joint campaigns with universities, partnership consultations, knowledge sharing webinars and conferences, UNDP missions to the ROK);
  • Supporting media outreach and public information campaigns for the Centre’s flagship events, initiatives and publication launches by drafting press releases and media advisories, researching media opportunities, supporting interview preparations, and producing media roundups;
  • Supporting the Centre’s various reporting and M&E work with the production of relevant communications assets as needed.



Cross-cutting tasks / Other:

  • Taking records of events, meetings, activities, and visits to the USPC office (e.g., meeting notes, photos, videos);
  • Supporting onsite promotion in outreach activities (e.g., career fairs, booth events, etc.);
  • Supporting incoming missions from UNDP HQs, Country Offices and partners to the ROK as part of SDG Partnerships and other USPC initiatives;
  • Maintaining relevant files and databases (e.g., photos, videos, contacts of reporters);
  • Performing liaison support and administrative tasks as necessary in the day-to-day office operation;
  • Supporting other/ad hoc activities as seen relevant and needed.




  • Interest and motivation in working in an international organization;
  • Good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation;
  • Outgoing and initiative-taking person with a goal oriented mind-set;
  • Communicates effectively when working in teams and independently;
  • Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view;
  • Strong interest and training in drafting and editing documents;
  • Demonstrated interest in the field of development;
  • Demonstrated research and analytical capacity;
  • Administrative skills in the organizing of meetings and events;
  • Proven ability to manage diverse and complex tasks, with tight deadlines;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.

Required Skills and Experience


Candidates must meet one of the following educational requirements:

  • Currently in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • Currently enrolled in a Master’s degree; or
  • Have graduated no longer than 1 year ago from a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent studies.

Field of study: international development, international relations, sociology, political science, public administration, communication and media, journalism, public relations, or equivalent.

IT skills:

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office productivity tools;
  • Proficiency in social media and creative design tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere) is an advantage.

Language skills:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required;
  • Fluency in Korean is highly desirable, and other UN languages is considered an asset.


  • UNDP will not pay interns for the internship but will provide a monthly stipend in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP internship policy (as reference, the stipend for 2024 is set at KRW 1,169,728 per month; the stipend amount for 2025 is subject to change); all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern or the sponsoring government or institution;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed;
  • Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship;
  • Interns must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan;
  • Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
  • Interns are expected to work full time but flexibility is allowed for education programmes;
  • Interns need to obtain financing for subsistence and make own arrangements for internship, travel, VISA, accommodation, etc.

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Background CORPORATE BACKGROUND As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countrie...

Posted 2 weeks ago
Application Deadline: 25 December 2024

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Application Deadline: 25 December 2024 Source link




As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated in three focus areas; sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.



The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), established in 2011, represents UNDP in the Republic of Korea (ROK), works with the ROK on international development priorities, and shares the development experience and technical expertise of the ROK with other countries. It is one of UNDP’s global policy centres. USPC works as a facilitator of innovative development cooperation for the achievement of the SDGs in four thematic areas of i) development cooperation modalities and approaches, ii) governance and gender, iii) green recovery and transition, and iv) private sector engagement and development.

Building on the unique development experience of the Republic of Korea and UNDP’s wide Global Policy Network, USPC facilitates knowledge exchanges of SDG-enabling development solutions in the above-mentioned thematic areas through its signature ‘SDG Partnership’ country-support programme and other initiatives, and brokers partnerships between Korea and other countries to help tackle development challenges.

The Centre’s administration work is an integral component of USPC’s work and aims to facilitate the implementation of the USPC’s programmatic works by undertaking overall administration and execution of varied and inter-related operational and logistical activities for the office.

USPC offers a small group of outstanding final-year undergraduate, graduate students, and recent graduates the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP’s work and gain technical knowledge and experience in international development and multilateral cooperation.

For more information on USPC’s work, please visit the website:

Duties and Responsibilities


The intern will assist in the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and responsibilities

% of time


Assist and support operations and administration tasks

  • Preparation of financial and accounting documents;
  • Maintenance of the Centre’s email, calendar, contact list, publications, arrangement of appointments and meetings. Maintenance of protocol procedures;
  • Coordination of the information flow in the office and arrangement of on/off-line team meetings;
  • Preparation of informal translations/interpretation;
  • Administration of procurement and supply and assets management;
  • Provision of technical support in development/maintenance of internal digital tools;
  • Screening of incoming calls and correspondence; arranging world-wide telephone and video conferences;
  • Organization of workshops and conferences in coordination with other staff; support for international participants’ travel and logistics matters;
  • Provision of support to the Greening UNDP initiatives and activities as a task force team member;
  • Designing, writing, editing, and/or proofreading the team’s working documents;
  • Supporting the Director and other teams with all aspects of USPC’s office operations as needed;
  • Provision of wide range of support on operations/administration tasks.













  • Support other/ad hoc activities as seen relevant and needed.





  • Interest and motivation in working in an international organization;
  • Good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation;
  • Outgoing and initiative-taking person with a goal-oriented mindset;
  • Communicates effectively when working in teams and independently;
  • Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view;
  • Demonstrated interest in the field of development;
  • Demonstrated research and analytical capacity;
  • Proven ability to manage diverse and complex tasks, with tight deadlines;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.


Required Skills and Experience


Candidates must meet one of the following educational requirements:

  • currently in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • currently enrolled in a Master’s degree or PhD degree; or
  • have graduated no longer than 1 year ago from a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent studies.

Field of study: Public/Business administration, economics, finance, or equivalent.

IT skills:

  • Knowledge and a proficient user of Microsoft Office productivity tools;
  • Knowledge and skills of Adobe products e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator would be an asset.

Language skills:

  • English and Korean required;
  • Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage.


  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed. The internship opportunities are exclusively available to individuals who possess the legal right to reside and work in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Any applicant would need to have legal permission to carry out an internship in ROK and, for non-Korean applicants, would need to fulfill the visa requirements as set by ROK.


  • UNDP will not pay interns for the internship but will provide a monthly stipend in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP internship policy (as reference, the stipend for 2024 is set at KRW 1,169,728 per month; the stipend amount for 2025 is subject to change); all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern or the sponsoring government or institution;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed;
  • Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship;
  • Interns must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan;
  • Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
  • Interns are expected to work full time but flexibility is allowed for education programmes;
  • Interns need to obtain financing for subsistence and make own arrangements for internship, travel, VISA, accommodation, etc.
  • Interns will accrue leaves at a rate of 1.5 days per month and will be granted off-days on official UN holidays for the Republic of Korea. If exceptional leave arrangements are necessary, requests must be submitted to and be approved by the supervisors in advance to ensure adequate office arrangements. 

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Background CORPORATE BACKGROUND As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countrie...



UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP’s policy work carried out at HQ, Regional and Country Office levels offers a spectrum of deep local knowledge to cutting-edge global perspectives and advocacy. In this context, UNDP invests in its Global Policy Network (GPN), a network of field-based and global technical expertise across a wide range of knowledge domains and in support of the signature solutions and organizational capabilities envisioned in UNDP’s Strategic Plan. 

Within the GPN, the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) has the responsibility for developing all relevant policy and guidance to support the results of UNDP’s Strategic Plan. BPPS staff provide technical advice to Country Offices, advocates for UNDP corporate messages, represent UNDP at multi-stakeholder fora including public-private, government and civil society dialogues, and engage in UN inter-agency coordination in specific thematic areas. 

UNDP's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan highlights our continued commitment to eradicating poverty, accompanying countries in their pathways towards the SDGs and working towards the Paris Agreement. As part of the Global Policy Network in the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP's Nature, Climate Change, Energy, and Waste  Hubs promote and scale up integrated whole-of-governance approaches and nature-based solutions that reduce poverty and inequalities, strengthen livelihoods and inclusive growth, mitigate conflict, forced migration and displacement, and promote more resilient governance systems that advance linked peace and security agendas.

BPPS work with governments, civil society, and private sector partners to integrate nature, climate, energy and waste related concerns into national and sector planning and inclusive growth policies, support country obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements, and oversee the implementation of the UN’s largest portfolio of in-country programming nature, climate change, energy, and waste. This multi-billion-dollar portfolio encompasses: 

  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services including forests; 
  • Sustainable Land Management and Desertification including food and commodity systems; 
  • Water and Ocean Governance including SIDS; 
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation; 
  • Sustainable Energy; 
  • Extractive Industries; 
  • Chemicals and Waste Management; 
  • Environmental Governance and Green/Circular Economy; and SCP approaches.

This work advances crosscutting themes on innovative finance, , capacity development, human rights, gender equality, health, technology, South-South learning and digital transformation.

UNDP has developed its new Strategy for Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems (FACS) to focus its vision and enhance its support to transform FACS. 

FACS are fundamental to the sustainable development of the 170 countries UNDP supports. FACS are often the largest contributor to their economies; food and nutrition is fundamental for citizen health; and FACS have a key role to play in achieving the SDGs. Yet, FACS are in crisis and need to be radically transformed to become sustainable. UNDP, building on its experience, has for the first time consolidated its FACS support and vision into this Strategy. The challenges and need for change related to FACS have been highlighted by a suite of reports by many research and international organizations and think tanks. The production practices and consumption patterns of food and agricultural commodities are taking these systems on an unsustainable trajectory with multiple impacts on human development, the environment and economies; from ecosystem degradation, conflicts over land and natural resources, reduced capacity and resilience to climate and other shocks, persistent poverty, food insecurity and related people displacement and migration, to malnutrition including overweight and obesity. There is a clear need to work in a systemic and integrated manner to transform the FACS towards sustainability. 

UNDP´s Vision for FACS 2030 is, through partnerships, to transform food and agricultural commodity systems into resilient; equitable; healthy, inclusive; environmentally, socially and economically sustainable systems. Working on FACS will contribute to not only recovery from the COVID19 crisis, by creating sustainable and resilient livelihoods for many along the FAC supply chains, but also to preventing further zoonoses from emerging in the future. This will require a change in the current paradigm of agricultural production focusing on maximizing productivity to a new paradigm based on diversified agroecological systems which work simultaneously on achieving economic, environmental, social, and health outcomes; with smallholders as a key part of the solution in their role as the engine of economic development. A FACS practice has been established within UNDP´s Nature, Climate and Energy team, which is tasked to support UNDP Country Offices with FACS related challenges in a way that is aligned with UNDP´s FACS strategy. 

The FACS Team has recently launched a new initiative: ‘C3 Labs – Collaboration for Complex Challenges: addressing the food-biodiversity-climate nexus.’

C3 Labs aims to facilitate greater collaboration between government agencies, development agencies, donors, development finance institutions, the private sector, civil society and research institutions. With the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Innovation Window funding the project will: 

  • Strengthen the evidence base on how to accelerate systemic, collaborative and adaptive approaches to address complex environmental challenges, focusing on the food-biodiversity-climate nexus to support greater integration of government and development sector programming across the NDCs, NBSAPs, and LDN targets, and connecting to national pathways for food systems transformation.
  • Generate practical guidance on how to bridge the gap between the theories of collaboration and systems transformation and their real-world application.

The initiative will: develop, prototype, iterate and evaluate a Collaboration Lab methodology  applied to food-biodiversity-climate nexus challenges in two pilot countries; harvest and disseminate learnings through a global learning lab; and publish findings through a series of evidence-based recommendations, tools and guidance that can improve the GEF’s approach to program design and implementation, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and impact of GEF investments.

UNDP FACS is seeking to recruit a “C3 Labs Intern” to support in the implementation of a range of activities for the launch of C3 Labs, reporting to the FACS Innovation Lead.

Duties and Responsibilities

Support to the C3 Labs Team in: 

  • Support coordination of the C3 Labs initiative, in particular ensuring coordination with core partners, country office(s) and the GEF.
  • Preparation and organization of calls, webinars, virtual workshops;
  • Preparation of presentations, slide deck; briefing notes, project proposals, meeting minutes and reports; 
  • Assist in research, including partner outreach and fundraising opportunities, and on any other key C3 Labs related issues.
  • Drafting, designing, and updating communications content and support on social media promotion and website updates;
  • Maintain internal filing system up to date; including database management of C3 Labs partners. 
  • Support other related tasks and support project team members, as and when needed.


Achieve Results: LEVEL 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline.

Think Innovatively: LEVEL 1: Open to creative ideas/known risks, is pragmatic problem solver, makes improvements.

Learn Continuously: LEVEL 1: Open minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback.

Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity/uncertainty, is flexible.

Act with Determination:  LEVEL 1: Shows drive and motivation, able to deliver calmly in face of adversity, confident.

Engage and Partner: LEVEL 1: Demonstrates compassion/understanding towards others, forms positive relationships.

Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 1: Appreciate/respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confront discrimination.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent) such as environment, agriculture, sustainable development, economics, journalism, communications, international development, social/political sciences or related fields; or 
  • Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher) such as environment, agriculture, sustainable development, economics, journalism, communications, international development, social/political sciences or related fields; or 
  • Have graduated with a university degree such as environment, agriculture, sustainable development, economics, journalism, communications, international development, social/political sciences or related fields or related field and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation. 


  • Experience in project coordination and partnership management
  • Experience in communications, writing and editing 
  • Experience in sustainability

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English is required.

Internship Conditions

Applicants should become familiar with the internship conditions prior to signing an internship agreement. For information visit 

Institutional Arrangements
The intern will report to the FACS Programme Lead Advisor.

Financial aspects, expenses and medical benefits

  • UNDP will not pay for the internship but may provide a stipend in monthly in accordance with the provisions of the UNDP Internship policy;
  • UNDP accepts no responsibility for the medical insurance for the intern or for any costs arising from accidents and/or illness during the internship period. Interns, whether engaged in-person or remotely, are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide self certification of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.
  • UNDP is not responsible for any claims by an intern or third party in the case of loss or damage to property or death or personal injury as a result of actions or omissions on the part of the intern during the internship period.

Working conditions:

  • When completing an in-person internship in a UNDP Office, interns must be provided with the workspace and equipment necessary to accomplish the activities related to the internship.
  • When completing a remote internship, interns will be responsible for providing their own equipment, internet and communication access and work space.

Subsequent Employment
There is no expectation of employment with UNDP following an internship.  Interns cannot apply for, or be appointed to, any position during the period of their internship.

Important note:

  • Interns are considered as gratis personnel. They are not staff members.
  • Interns may not be sought or accepted as substitutes for staff to be recruited against authorized posts.
  • Interns may not represent UNDP in any official capacity.


Please provide the following documents to be considered:

In case an applicant is successfully selected, s/he will be requested to provide electronic versions of:

  • Letter from his/her university confirming current enrolment and graduation date.
  • Letter of recommendation from a professor.
  • Copy of his/her most recent school transcript.
  • Copy of passport.
  • Completed UNDP internship application form.
  • Signed UNDP Internship Agreement.
  • Medical Certificate of Good Health.
  • Proof of medical insurance.

Kindly note the above documentation is required within one week after selection.

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Background UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Developmen...



With offices in Copenhagen, Kuala Lumpur, Dakar, Amman, Panama City and Istanbul, the Global Shared Services Centre (GSSC) services over 180 countries, 40,000 personnel and more than 70 other UN Agencies and Organizations. Through its functional service lines, the BMS/GSSC ensures high quality and timely delivery of human resources and financial services as well as information and innovative tools to its various clients and stakeholders.

The BMS/GSSC is led by the Director, who reports to the Director of Bureau for Management Services (BMS). Reporting to the Finance Specialist/Analyst, the Finance Associate works collaboratively within the BMS/GSSC Finance Service Delivery Teams with a client-oriented approach.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Ensures administration and implementation of operational and financial management strategies, adapts processes and procedures focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Full compliance with UN/UNDP rules and regulations of financial processes.
  • Preparation of relevant reports and audit follow up; implementation of the effective internal control framework.
  • Finance business processes mapping and elaboration of the content of internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in Finance in consultation with the direct supervisor and office management.
  • Ensures financial records are in compliance with SOPs, IPSAS and  UNDP Financial Rules and Regulations.


2. Provides accounting and finance support to Country Offices (COs) and performs various analysis functions focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Proper review/validation of the supporting documents for advance requests by UN Agencies  and  the expenditures submitted on the Project Delivery Reports (PDRs), under the Project Clearing Account (PCA) modality.  
  • Timely follow up with COs on pending information on processing donor refunds and project financial closure.
  • Respond to UNALL and email communications from COs regarding the tasks assigned.
  • Ensures proper adherence to Service Level Agreement (SLAs) contribute to the evolution of services proposed by GSSC and the establishment of a continuous improvement environment.
  • Perform accounting tasks such as creating credit memos, analyzing account payables and pending project financial closure cases.
  • Conducts accounts analysis between sub-system and General Ledger (GL) in the ERP system (Quantum), to prepare accounts reconciliations, identify differences and take corrective actions.
  • Assist in the implementation of accounting, closing calendars, audit requirements and quarterly, bi-annual and year-end certifications.
  • Support the implementation of the Internal Control Framework.
  • Other tasks as assigned.


3. Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the Finance Unit focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Support the organization of training for staff in the Finance Stream.
  • Synthesis of lessons learned and best practices in Finance.
  • Facilitate knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the Finance Unit as requested by the supervisor.
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.




Achieve Results:

LEVEL 2: Scale up solutions and simplifies processes, balances speed and accuracy in doing work

Think Innovatively:

LEVEL 2: Offer new ideas/open to new approaches, demonstrate systemic/integrated thinking

Learn Continuously:

LEVEL 2: Go outside comfort zone, learn from others and support their learning

Adapt with Agility:

LEVEL 2: Adapt processes/approaches to new situations, involve others in change process

Act with Determination:

LEVEL 2: Able to persevere and deal with multiple sources of pressure simultaneously

Engage and Partner:

LEVEL 2: Is facilitator/integrator, bring people together, build/maintain coalitions/partnerships

Enable Diversity and Inclusion:

LEVEL 2: Facilitate conversations to bridge differences, considers in decision making


Cross-Functional & Technical competencies

Thematic Area




Audit (General)

  • Understands how regulations and professional standards in internal and external audit underpin audit work in the public services.
  • Understands the key stages of audit work, including planning, documentation, testing and reporting. Ability to examine and verify accounts and records.
  • Understands wider mechanisms for assurance and scrutiny.
  • Understands the law and best practice relating to anti-bribery and corruption controls and the fraud risks faced by public bodies.



Accounting (General)

  • Knowledge of accounting concepts, principles, frameworks, standards, regulations, policies and trends, and ability to apply this to strategic and/or practical situations.


Financial planning and budgeting

  • Ability to create and manage processes to achieve UNDP's long and short-term financial goals, including through planning, budgeting, forecasting, analysing and reporting


Financial reporting and analysis

  • Understands changes in regulatory, legal and ethical frameworks and standards for financial reporting in the public sector. Ability to extract, evaluate financial data, derive relevant findings and present them in a meaningful and coherent manner to facilitate effective decision making and performance monitoring. 
  • Understands the benefits of integrated reporting, including non-financial resources such as human, social and intellectual capital, and environmental and governance performance.

Business Development



  • Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need.

Business Direction and Strategy

Business Acumen

  • Ability to understand and deal with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the operational frameworks in the organization and ability to make good judgments and quick decisions within such frameworks.

Business Management

Operations Management

  • Ability to effectively plan, organize, and oversee the Organization’s business processes in order to convert its assets into the best results in the most efficient manner.
  • Knowledge of relevant concepts and mechanisms.


Required Skills and Experience

Min. Education Requirements:

  • Secondary Education including subjects or modules in Accounting and/or Finance. University Degree in Finance or Accounting is desirable.

Min. Years of Relevant Work Experience

  • Minimum 6 years with secondary school education or 3 years with a Bachelor’s Degree, of relevant experience in Finance and/or Accounting.

Required Skills:

  • Experience in the usage of computers and MS Office packages
  • Advanced knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages
  • Hands-on experience with CRM or ERP, preferably with Oracle
  • Knowledge of IPSAS and/or IFRS

Required Language(s):

  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of any other UN languages is desirable.

Professional Certificates:

  • A professional accounting qualification from an internationally accredited institute of accountancy is desirable.

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Background With offices in Copenhagen, Kuala Lumpur, Dakar, Amman, Panama City and Istanbul, the Global Shared Services Centre (GSSC) services over 180 countries, 40,000 personnel and more than 70 oth...

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