Senior Mentor

Balkh, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Job Description:

Position Overview

Senior Mentors will be based in each of the five cities and will work in a mentoring team to implement integrated whole team, on-site mentoring to improve the quality of care and strengthen delivery of health services at selected Tertiary and District Hospitals and will coordinate with mentors within a specified geographical location (e.g. Nahia). 


Advocate for mentorship and negotiate with hospital / facility management for buy-in to onsite mentoring and quality improvement 
Support formation of facility quality improvement team and selection of onsite clinical representative for mentorship program
Facilitate initial assessment, analysis and action plan for improvement of service delivery and data strengthening across all clinical service delivery areas (e.g. EPI, nutrition, MNH, CH, TB)
Develop detailed mentoring schedule for routine visits to each facility including: service delivery improvement plan follows up, learning activities and data review
Support preparation for learning sessions (e.g. training supplies, care of models, commodities, learning tools)
Facilitate monthly mentoring visits for quality improvement, learning and data strengthening
Role model behavior and practices (e.g. respectful maternity care) and provision of clinical care and services
Work with onsite clinical for mentorship program to plan for on-site practice
Coordinate mobile phone-based mentoring to service providers and support practice of skills
Support facility team to discuss and analyses data and submit data every month
Ensure adequate and organized record keeping of activities including mentoring plans, implementation progress, mentoring visits
Share records with relevant stakeholders and supervisors as needed
Write and submit timely reports as required including key issues, achievements, successes, challenges and lessons learned
Coordinate with other relevant project activities e.g. community engagement, leadership and governance within a specified geographical location (e.g. Nahia). 
Coordinate with clinical advisors for specific clinical interventions (e.g. TB)
Provide regular feedback of the planned activities and issues as they arise (e.g. daily and weekly)
Participate in routine progress review and data presentations identifying trends and adapting as needed within a specified geographical location (e.g. Nahia). 

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